GeForce RTX 4070 12GB

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Power: Graphics Card Power (W): 200, Minimum System Power (W): 650 W
PCIe: PCI Express Gen 4: Yes
Video Encode: 1x 8th Generation
Video Decode: 5th Generation
Operating Temperature: Maximum GPU Temperature (in C): 90
NVIDIA CUDA Cores: 5888
Boost Clock: 2.48 (GHz)
Cores: Ray Tracing Cores: 3rd Generation, Tensor Cores: 4th Generation
Memory Interface Width: 192-bit
Standard Display Connectors: HDMI(2), 3x DisplayPort(3)
Multi Monitor: up to 4(4)
HDCP: 2.3
Max Resolution: 4K at 240Hz or 8K at 60Hz with DSC
Connectors: 2x PCIe 8-pin cables (adapter in box) OR 300 W or greater PCIe Gen 5 cable
Standard Mount Interface: 12 GB GDDR6X
Base Clock: 1.92 (GHz)
Product Dimensions: Length: 244 mm, Width: 112 mm
Rashi Part SKU: RTX4070
Expansion Slots: 2-Slot